From Localization Lab Wiki
Revision as of 15:50, 11 April 2020 by Erin (talk | contribs) (Added getting started info)
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The OONI Probe Desktop release candidate is out!
Want to provide feedback? Follow the steps below:

1. Download the Release Candidate
2. Review the app and the following questions:
   * How do the translations look inside the app? Are they formatted nicely/properly?
   * Are there any changes we should consider to better accommodate translations or other forms of localization?
   * Is it clear what the app does? If not, what is unclear?
   * Did you encounter any bugs? Are there any functions that don't work as expected?
   * Do you have any feedback for improvements?
3. Create an ticket on GitHub to report any bugs, critical problems and comments, or email the OONI Probe team directly to share your responses.
OONI Probe Logo
OONI Probe Logo

OONI Probe is an open source tool for detecting censorship, surveillance and traffic manipulation on the Internet.

"You can run OONI Probe to measure:

  • Blocking of websites;
  • Blocking of instant messaging apps (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Telegram);
  • Blocking of censorship circumvention tools (such as Tor);
  • Presence of systems (middleboxes) in your network that might be responsible for censorship and/or surveillance;
  • Speed and performance of your network.

By running OONI Probe, you can collect data that can potentially serve as evidence of internet censorship since it shows how, when, where, and by whom it is implemented."

Website: ooni.torproject.org
Download OONI Probe: Google Play, F-Droid, Apple App Store

Translate OONI Probe!

Getting Started

1. Create a Transifex Account:

Haven't created a Transifex account yet? Create one here.

2. Join the OONI Probe Translation Team:

3. Download OONI Probe:

Download OONI Probe on your mobile device! This is an important step to familiarize you with the tool and the original English strings and translations in context. OONI Probe is currently available to download on Android, iOS and desktops.

4. Review the #Translation Guidelines:

Make sure you are familiar with the Translation Guidelines before you begin translating. They contain important information like whether or not to translate or transliterate the project name.

Language Priorities

  • Russian
  • French
  • Spanish
  • German
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Arabic
  • Italian
  • Persian
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Turkish

Translation Guidelines

Refer to the general Translation and Review Guidelines.

  • Do not translate or transliterate the app name. If it is necessary to transliterate for users in your language, please leave "OONI Probe" in Latin letters followed by the transliterated name in parentheses.
Ex: Briar (برایر)

Localization References

Note: Please do not translate or transliterate the name of the application, "OONI Probe."