Arusha Women School of Internet Governance

The first ever Arusha Women School of Internet Governance (AruWSIG) took place on the 27th and 28th of April 2018 at Arusha Accountancy Institute (AAI). The event was organized by Digital Grassroots Tanzania country coordinator, Rebecca Ryakitimbo. Digital Grassroots President, Esther Mwema, travelled from Zambia to host a session at the maiden event that hosted 90 youth participants in Arusha, Tanzania. For the last three years, Localization Lab has partnered with AruWSIG, to localize different tools and resources into Swahili, through localization sprints. These sprints are structured in a way that every fellow gets an opportunity to go through and translate an entire resource, and afterward the document is given to reviewers for editing purposes. A lot of people around the world have benefited from the localization of different tools and resources, with its importance becoming increasingly more well known today. However none of this would be possible without the volunteer contributors, who offer their time to take part in this localization sprints. Most of these contributors are fellows who have been selected to be part of AruWSIG. Despite the efforts being made to increase the number of women in the internet governing space, women are still underrepresented. Being a women-focused event, AruWSIG offers fellows a unique opportunity to be part of this male-dominated space. |
Event Details
- When: Sun, 12 Sep 2021 08:00 - 16:30 EAT
- Where: Hybrid Event - Virtual and Onsite in Arusha, Tanzania
- More Information:
ICANN is a proud sponsor.
Event Agenda
Day 0 – 12th September | ||
Time | Course Content Facilitator |
Delivery |
08:00 - 9:00 EAT | Arrival Registration AruWSIG Support Team |
Onsite |
09:00 - 9:30 EAT | Opening Remarks Organizing Committee |
Virtual |
09:30 - 10:30 EAT | Localization Introduction Ms Rebecca Ryakitimbo, Co-founder / Co-Convenor Cecilia Maundu, Localization Lab |
Virtual |
10:30 - 11:00 EAT | Localization Sprint I Louis Lloyd, #AruWSIG19 Alumnus |
Onsite |
11:00 - 11:30 EAT | Tea Break | Onsite |
11:30 - 13:00 EAT | Localization Sprint II Louis Lloyd, #AruWSIG19 Alumnus |
Onsite |
13:00 - 14:00 EAT | Lunch | Onsite |
14:00 - 16:00 EAT | Localization Sprint III Louis Lloyd, #AruWSIG19 Alumnus |
Onsite |
16:00 - 16:30 EAT | Recap / Announcements / Closing Remarks / End of Day AruWSIG Organizing Committee Localization Lab |
Onsite / Virtual |
Sprint Resources
- Digital Rights Are Women's Rights - Original guide in English
- Shared Localization Sprint Folder - Contains Digital Rights are Women's Rights guide for localization and Swahili Glossary
Localization Resources
- Swahili Localization Lab Glossary
- Microsoft Searchable Terminology
- ICANN Glossary
- Swahili Wikipedia
- Msamiati wa Teknolojia Dijitali - A Lexicon of Key Words in Kiswahili