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Check Project Logo
Check Project Logo

Check is an open source collaborative tool developed by Meedan that helps professional and citizen journalists, civil society organizations and activists verify breaking news online, in real time. In an era in which mis-information and verified news alike are constantly vying for our attention online and through social media platforms, having the tools available to verify information quickly, before it spreads, is vital.

Twitter: Check, Meedan

Translate Check

Getting Started

1. Create a Transifex Account:

Haven't created a Transifex account yet? Create one here.

2. Join the Check Translation Team:

3. Demo Check:

Create a Check account! This is an important step to familiarize you with the platform and the original English strings and translations in context. Check is a web-based platform that you can use on any browser.

4. Review the Check Vocabulary Guide

The vocabulary guide overviews how different terms are used within the Check platform. Reviewing the terms will help you correctly translate them.

5. Review the #Translation Guidelines:

Make sure you are familiar with the Translation Guidelines before you begin translating. They contain important information like whether or not to translate or transliterate the project name.

Translation Priorities & Resources

Resource Priority
API High
Check Mark High
WebStructured High

Translation Guidelines

Refer to the general Translation and Review Guidelines.

  • Do not translate or transliterate the platform name.
Service and platform names that you should not translate or transliterate:
  • Check
  • Check Message
  • Tipline (The only exception is **Arabic** where "Tipline" is translated as "خط ساخن"

Gender Inclusive Language



Portuguese (Brazil):


Use both the masculine and feminine for gendered adjectives and nouns referring to humans.
The feminine should precede the masculine: las(os) amigas(os); la(el) usuária(o)

Localization References

Check User Guides
Check Vocabulary Guide
Check Knowledge Base
