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Communication Platforms 交流平台
The Localization Lab Mattermost channel and Localization Lab language-focused channels are hosted on the Team CommUNITY Mattermost instance and are subject to their Code of Conduct. To join Mattermost, follow the instructions on the Team CommUNITY wiki and indicate that you are joining as a member of the Localization Lab community. Once you have created a Mattermost account, you can join the Localization Lab main channel and any language team channels.
Mattermost: Simplified & Traditional Chinese Channel
Project Resources 專案資源
Peoples/ Communities 其它相關社群
Other Chinese Localization Groups 他山之石,其它類似的中文在地化社群整理列表
Internet Freedom Groups in Taiwan 關注網路資訊安全的組織、研究單位或個人
Internet Freedom Resources in Chinese 有關網際網路自由、網路治理與人權的中文資源
Works 各項工作開展
現在進行中 doing 歡迎加入各項進行中的在地專案,
待辦事項 to do 值得進行中文化的網路自由工具或相關資訊推薦建議
已完畢 (almost) done 中文小組歷來工作成果滙總
Tools 中文化實用工具
開放中文轉換 : 一個簡繁中文自動轉換(含二地習慣用語置換)的工具
中文文案排版指北: 統一中文文案、排版的相關用法
msgchi: 一個不知道要做什麼以及如何使用的翻譯工具
Map 本頁草圖(draft) 在地化中文小組維基頁架構建議,歁迎成員添加修改,並一起來豐富此維基頁
The following image file is made by coggle, all members are welcome to add/edit/comment it.