
From Localization Lab Wiki
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Communication Platforms

The Localization Lab Mattermost channel and Localization Lab language-focused channels are hosted on the Team CommUNITY Mattermost instance and are subject to their Code of Conduct. To join Mattermost, follow the instructions on the Team CommUNITY wiki and indicate that you are joining as a member of the Localization Lab community. Once you have created a Mattermost account, you can join the Localization Lab main channel and any language team channels.

Mattermost: Spanish Channel


Spanish Localization Lab Unified Glossary

Diccionario de la lengua española Real Academia Española

Linguistic Resources

Neutralidad de género en español

Todas, tod@s, todxs, todes: historia de la disidencia gramatical

Dialecto rioplatense

Español rioplatense

Project Resources


Documentación de los traductores al español de Tails

Unofficial Resources
Como Instalar Sistema Operativo Tails en Virtual Box Español [YouTube]
Review Tails 3.0 Español 2017 [YouTube]

Training Resources and Guides

Cibermujeres: Currícula de capacitación en seguridad digital holística para defensoras de derechos humanos